My Year of Wild Art: Day Three

I got started on my creativity this morning in a lovely virtual CoCreation Conversation hosted by Susan Davis, with an exercise lead by Jen Duchene. We were taken on a guided journey to reconnect with our childhood creativity, after viewing one of Jen’s Illuminating Journey Cards. Here is what I created the end of the meditation. (Scroll down for more.)

Joy poster

After lunch, I got started on the next page for the journal I’m building, and even got it completed before dark! I realized that this time around, I’m going to embellish all of the pages when I’ve finished making them. I hope you’re enjoying the process!


What are you working on today? Have you been inspired to set yourself a challenge for the year, or even for a month? Let us know in the comments!

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I’ll have some exciting news to share in a few days, so stay tuned!

6 thoughts on “My Year of Wild Art: Day Three

  1. I love what you shared for your day three, Quadira, and am inspired to start a new daily creative something – for the month of March at least. I am trying to decide from the many options I have.

    And I understand about clutter control. It is already part of a daily “downsizing” project of mine and I want to cheer your followers on who are working on creating a clear space for crafting their own unique creations. Yay to all of you! Doing one thing to declutter, even if it is a tiny thing each day, is actually a Big thing! : )


  2. Clearing Clutter in my apartment is my project for this year because I can’t do any art until my art table is cleared off. I love to see your progress, Quadira!


  3. My project for the year is to organize my craft room. That doesn’t sound very creative, but I’m so hampered by the chaos that I can’t really get going on any projects. If nothing else, it will free up space.


    • That is an excellent project, Abigail! Hopefully it will take less than a year, and it will definitely give you more space and energy for your creations. You go!


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